Monday, 28 July 2014

Rise and shine

Over the years I've got myself into a little morning ritual. I don't really know how long I've been doing it or why I started but everything I read tells me it's a super good thing that I'm doing.

And here it is. Every morning, before I eat or drink anything else, I first of all down about half a pint of water that's sitting on my bed stand from the night before (I canNOT go to bed without a drink and think anybody who does is just weird - maybe that's just me. Mmm). In fact, side note, I also can't understand people who don't drink water and then claim not to like water!?!?  Actually, that's pretty much half my family. I'm always ranting at my mum and brother to drink more water. I just don't get it. What's not to like? It's just, well, water and probably the single most important thing to put in our bodies in order to not actually shrivel up and die. I feel yuk if I don't drink water and even yukker if I drink fizzy sugary things instead. Anyway, that was my water rant - drink it!

Back to the main point, the other thing I do every morning is have a cup of hot water (there it is again) with fresh lemon squeezed into it. 

It sort if just wakes me up. Because lemons are so fab it also wakes up my digestive system, (especially before anything else gets dumped in there), it flushes out toxins, looks after my liver, blood, eyes and skin and gets some vit c in early doors. It's also antibacterial, antiseptic and anti inflammatory. A.MAZE.ING. 

I met this lovely lady in Maidenhead recently who is a big lemon fan and has written a gorgeous looking book The Lemon Compendium if you fancy more lemony tips!

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