It could be said that the world's best inventions have not sprung into the world already fully formed and perfectly functioning. Instead they tend to evolve through a process of failure and learning.
Or in other words, I tried to make something the other day that went spectacularly wrong, but I worked out why and made something even better out of the remnants. Go me!
I had seen Ella Woodward's courgette fritters on my Deliciously Ella app (sorry, can't find the recipe online to link to) and really wanted to give it a go.
You're supposed to grate a load of courgette and potato but in my infinite wisdom I decided that was too much work and too boring so I shredded them in a mini blender instead.
You're also supposed to squeeze out the liquid which was impossible and hurt my wrists (what a woofter).
Then you add mint and apple sauce.
Then I cursed and moaned because my mixture was rubbish and wouldn't stick together at all and all just fell apart in the frying pan.
Then I remembered a crucial piece of information that had been hiding in my brain and that I could have done with several moments earlier - blending stuff releases WAY more water than grating. Oops. Mega fail indeed. Not only were my bits too small so there was nothing for it all to grab onto and bind itself around to make fritter shapes, it was all far too watery thanks to my stupid blending and my limp wrists.
Hey ho, lesson learned, dinner ruined.
NOT. I chucked a whole load of it in a pan, patted it down and then cracked an egg on top to make a rather yummy fresh, minty courgette frittata thing.
There was still a load of mucked up courgettey mixture left so I put it in a tupperware and lo and behold another piece of info from the deep dark depths of my brain sprung roll! I placed a few sheets on top of the mixture before sealing the lid and popping in the fridge.
Next day, much of the liquid had now been absorbed by the paper towels so I mixed a load of it up with a packet of turkey mince, some dill and some worcestershire sauce, formed the (now sticking together) mixture into patties and fried/steamed them up into super delicious, light turkey burgers. BOOM!
Another win. I served them with the first thing ever made in my new spiraliser, courgette sort of sproingy things and cucumber noodles coated in herby oil I made by blitzing dill, mint, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice and seasalt in a blender. Super yum!
The rest I just made into a sort of hash to go with a random plate of loveliness a day later.
So, thank you Ella for the inspiration. I'm still not convinced the original recipe would ever have worked but I bow to your superior knowledge and experience. When I can be bothered, I shall try again. Properly this time!