Secondly, beetroot is SOOOOOOO good for you It's full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and is low in fat.
And last but clearly not least, this soup is yummy. Beetroot is a bit of a love it or hate it type thing but, as I did with kale, having always assumed I hated it, I grew to love it recently. It's lovely roasted with butternut squash in a salad with feta cheese, or in a salad, or as it turns out, in a soup.
So, here's how I made this one.
I roasted about 6 beetroots for about 45 minutes and then peeled off the skins...admittedly this bit was a little fiddly.
Then I whizzed it up with about half a can of low fat coconut milk, the juice from one lemon and some salt and pepper.

Then I added a small packet of fresh peas to complement the earthy taste to cook as the soup heated..
To serve I scattered some nice tangy feta over the top. I think it would have been nice with some truffle oil drizzled over the top too but didn't go for that on this occasion.
And that was it!
Seriously, it is so tasty and warming but fresh and light as well. It's rich with a little bit of a fruity tang and has such a deep flavour. The peas help give it a bit of bite and thicken it up a little. Plus as well as tasting good it really feels like it's doing me good as it goes down too! Which is helpful as I have a stinking snotty cold so every little helps!