If you ask my friends to name a dish I cook, they will all tell you (whilst laughing), couscous. I rather over did the whole couscous thing in my twenties. It was just so easy and versatile.
For me, quinoa is the new couscous with the added benefit of being gluten free, more tasty, lighter and appears not to bloat me out like couscous did.
My mum and brother often refer to the 'gravel' I like to eat. They are referring, in the most part, to quinoa. Although I may write a gravel themed post another day about all my other gravelly bits and bobs. Anyway, I managed to get some quinoa into mum's trolley the other day, even if it was the pre-cooked variety. Really since quinoa is SO easy to cook there's no need to buy it pre-packed, just added chemicals and whatnot, but needs must sometimes.
Anyway, it's essentially a protein packed peruvian super grain and is super easy to cook, very tasty and very versatile.
For any quinoa virgins, the first thing to know is that it's keenwa, rather than kwinoa.
If you fancy giving it a go, some handy cooking tips to make you into a quinoa queen (or king!):
1. Defo rinse it first. I hate steps like that, adds boringness into the whole thing but it does make a difference to the taste

2 .Use 1 part quinoa to 1.75 parts water
3. Slow boil with lid on until all the water is soaked up - look out for when the little grains have sort of popped out into spirally twirly things...like this picture.
4. You can add olive oil, salt, lemon juice, stock etc to the cooking bit if you want some added flavour
5. When the water's all soaked up, stick a bit of kitchen roll over the pan and put the lid back on and then be patient for another 5-10 minutes...this last bit of steaming makes it really nice and fluffy
6. You can use it in salads, soups, instead of rice and all sorts.
6. Make too much, then use the rest cold in salads OR as an alternative to porridge with almond or coconut milk, nuts, banana and maple syrup the next morning. DELICIOUS.
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