One of my favourite foods that I haven't actually written much about yet is butternut squash.
This yummy squashy veg of wonder is fab in so many different ways. You can roast it, mash it, make it savoury or sweet (delish wth cinnamon and low fat cream cheese), chuck it in a smoothie, slop it in a soup, pop it in a salad, curry it (super yum) or stuff it as I did the other day.
I used to get really fed up with peeling the bnut since it's a wonky shape and is quite a tricky little beggar, but then I decided it didn't really need peeling and life has never quite been the same ever since. If you're roasting, leave the skin on and then either just eat the skin or peel off later, same for mashing, roast it in the skin, then scoop out the flesh. Only time it needs peeling first really is for a soup if the bnut is going straight into the pot and not being roasted first.
The version I made the other night was super simple and took advantage of a load of random bits left over from other meals.

I roasted it for about 30 mins first at 200 degrees to make sure it was really nice and gooey and browned.
Meanwhile I made the stuffing from:
left over roast chicken
left over cooked quinoa / frekeh / lentils
crumbled feta
A dollop of left over humus and another of edamame and mint dip

It was YUMMY.
Butternut's are full off minerals and vitamins. They're full of dietary fibre so nice and filling and satisfying without being full of calories and as you can see by their lovely orange colour, they're also full of beta-carotene amongst lots of other good stuff.
In fact, they're all round pretty amazing and if they're not already on your shopping list, they should be.
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